Our Services

Credit Restoration: We analyze each clients credit situation and devise the best plan to dispute the items affecting their credit score. We use the Fair Credit Reporting Act laws against the credit bureaus in order to remove these items. This is a process of letters that we send out to the credit bureaus and/or furnisher.

Pricing: $399 for individual, $549 for couple plus $50 per bureau deletion (you only pay for results!)

            “Do-it-Yourself” classes and webinars scheduled upon interest $99 call for schedule

Debt Negotiation: We have several tactics we use against collection companies in order to settle the debt for a fraction of what is owed. We analyze each collection item and work according to each client’s personal needs in order to make the best offer that both the client and collection company can agree on.

Pricing: $250 for phone call plus 10% of what you are saved. “Do-it-Yourself” plan $250

Business Credit: Most business owners are typically using their own personal credit for their operating needs. Our unique system helps our business owners build their Paydex score which allows them to obtain credit without using their personal credit. This is great for clients that cannot obtain a SBA loan from a bank.

Pricing: $2,500 plus Dunn & Bradstreet fees or $1,000 for three months

Student Loan Consolidation: Our program allows our clients with outstanding student loans to be able to Refinance them for a lower payment. We can help these clients whether they are current or behind on payments. Our program also offers payment relief for certain occupations over a time period of making payments.

Pricing: $599

Financial Foresight: We now offer a program that guides our clients to make the best financial decisions and even pay off all of your debt including your mortgage in ½ to 1/3 of the standard time with NO change in their salary and/or everyday spending.

$199.00 set up fee, 49.00 monthly fee or $3,500.00 one time purchase.  For more information:


To obtain instructions for a company we recommend to get a copy of your credit report, please send an email to credit@fesexperts.com


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